Blog posts from Oreamnos Oddities

Daily pagan ritual ideas
DAILY PAGAN RITUAL IDEAS Making time for rituals is important to every pagan. So how are we suppose to find time to honor the old gods when most of us work 40+ hours a week, go to school, have houses to run and try to have some kind of a social life? That's...

Common symbols within Norse/Germanic Paganism
Common symbols within Norse/Germanic Paganism by Nate Verschoor Over the past few years there has been an increasing popularity and general interest about the Viking Age and Ancient Scandinavian culture. Popular shows on TV, video games, the ever-growing visual content on social media as well as the small businesses...

How to cleanse your home of negative energies
HOME CLEANSING 101 First things first, what is cleansing? Cleansing your home is a way to clear out any unwanted energies, negativities and stagnation within your home; replacing those energies with good intention and positivity. When to cleanse your space: Moving into a new space When you've been feeling down...

Herb correspondences in paganism and witchcraft
Herbs are used for an endless amounts of rituals within paganism and witchcraft. Here's a list of their uses: Please visit my ritual tool section here Herb Name Ritual Uses Acacia Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles & censers and to...

Loki - Norse god of fire
Loki is easily one of the most famous of Norse God's and also one of the most controversial. Loki reminds us we cannot have order without chaos, to be true to ourselves and to stand up when the truth needs to be said. While some people view him as a...

Common pagan ritual tools
In Paganism ritual tools, objects and talismans are used during ritual to honor the God's and to work magic. By using these items you will be able to direct energies to perform certain actions that will vary ritual to ritual. Your tools will vary depending on your own personal practice,...

How to cast the runes
For this blog I am going to go over the two easiest ways to cast your runes in runic divination. Before rune casting: Before you begin your rune casting you will need a rune set. Make one yourself out of wood, metal, rock or which ever material you prefer....

How to make a bindrune
How to make a bindrune Bindrunes can be used for anything in life you're looking to receive help with. Saving money, protecting your home, finding love or a new job. Whatever intent you have, a bindrune can exist for it. The materials you use will vary depending on how...

Rune meanings - The Elder Futhark
Rune meanings - The Elder Futhark The Elder Futhark is the oldest form of the runic alphabets and was used during the migration period. Included in my descriptions are each letter(s) the rune will translate to and how to pronounce the rune. With this information you can learn how to...

Consecrating pagan ritual tools
What is consecration? Consecration is the act of clearing out any unwanted energy from a ritual tool and cleansing the item before use. This will help your ritual experience while using the item. Anything used in spiritual work should be consecrated before use. This includes altars, talismans and can be...