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Consecrating pagan ritual tools

 What is consecration?

Consecration is the act of clearing out any unwanted energy from a ritual tool and cleansing the item before use. This will help your ritual experience while using the item. Anything used in spiritual work should be consecrated before use. This includes altars, talismans and can be any item you want to use in ritual. Even just a simple item you want placed on your altar or a talisman you carry in your pocket can be consecrated. 

There are many different ways to consecrate an item but it is important to remember that once you have consecrated the item it should be considered sacred and treated as such. I also recommend not allowing anyone else to handle an item you have consecrated as it will lose it's energy.



What tools do I need to consecrate an item?


Some of the tools used for consecration:





Lighter/matches/flint and steel/ferro rod


the moon



bundled needles from trees or other smudge sticks


These are only some items, the items used will vary on the person doing the consecration.


The consecration ritual:


 So here's the hard part! Everyone will consecrate items differently. Your consecration ritual might also vary depending on the item. Consecrating is typically done at an altar but you don't necessarily need one. For instance, if you have an altar cloth you take with you for outdoor rituals I find that perfectly suiting. Or even a board you use specifically for ritual work. I find these portable items to be very useful and recommend them to anyone. When consecrating items it is incredibly important to follow your intuition. If it feels wrong your ritual probably isn't working, this is why following your intuition is so crucial.


Different ways people consecrate: 

By saying a prayer over the talisman/object and dedicating the use of the tool to your God's.

Using anointing oils that have been cleansed and anointing an object by blessing it and marking it with bindrunes/staves/sigils.

Meditating with the object and running it through smoke and claiming it's new use.

Sitting the object out in the moonlight on the full moon, sprinkling it with naturally harvested spring water and then cleansing it with a smudge stick.

Simply setting the item on your altar and blessing it each day until you feel it will hold it's purpose.

Consecrating it by air, earth, fire and water by running it through water, sprinkling with salt, passing it through a flame and once again through water.

Want some tools for consecrating your ritual items at home? Please visit my ritual tool section! I sell many items needed in consecration including hand dipped incense and an array of anointing oils. Just click here to see!




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  • Hi Rachel,
    This is perfect for me to consecrate my Odin and for future use. I appreciate your letting me know about your Blog. I wouldn’t have know about this. Now to go shopping in your store…lol

    Deborah Krohn on

  • I appreciate your blog articles. As a beginner teaching myself the runes, I’ve found your blog to be so helpful! It’s kind of difficult to find solely norse resources and you are a breath of fresh air! Thank you!

    Lisa on

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